Sunday, 20 March 2011

Pace TDS470N repair

The pace 470 suffers like most receivers with capacitor failure in the PSU (Power supply unit).
This particular model is a little more fiddley to repair than some, as the PSU is part of the main circuit board and the box has to be completely dismantled.

Thru-hole soldering is used in the manufacture of the board, so a good quality solder station is a handy tool to remove the failed capacitors.

Some failing capacitors can be easily spotted by eye, either bulging or leaking in some cases. Replacing these may give you a short-term fix, but they will fail again pretty soon. If you have taken the time to dismantle it you may as well do the job properly. There are some 20 capacitors to replace that will guarantee you a long term repair. This might be a belt & braces approach but believe me it works.
Call Nick :0034 608 470 418

1 comment:

  1. My 13 year old pace box suffered a single capacitor failure in the PSU. This was 2200uF 6.3 0.013 ohm cap. Replaced with larger 2200uF 25V panasonic FR series which also is 0.013 ohms. Impedance is important in maintaining the PSU voltages at the correct level.
    BTW I designed this PSU whilst working at Pace. 13 years is good.
